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Fire Restrictions Dropping in South Slave Region

NWT Fire has announced in their latest update that they will be easing some of the restrictions in the South Slave region.

Through the latest update on the NWT Fire Facebook page, the watchdog group announced that the fire restrictions will be lifted in the South Slave region will be lifted at 11:59pm on May 17th. Conditions in the area have improved greatly, and all fires are under control, or pose no threat to any communities. For all South Slave communities, the Fire Danger Forecast will be improving over the next few days.

As for the Dehcho region, fire restrictions will remain in place until at least May 24th. While the area has received some rain in the last few days, it wasn’t able to touch every fire. Firefighting work continues for the region, and NWT Fire is encouraging residents to keep practicing FireSmart activities.

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